| |
- GHDemandViolated(N, S)
- Return true if the GH-inequality in demand-form is violated for S.
- GHSupplyViolated(N, S)
- Return true if the GH-inequality in supply-form is violated for S.
- GHViolated(N, S)
- Return true if one of the GH-inequalities is violated for S.
- allNeighbours(N, v)
- Return list of all neighbours of a node,
necessary because networkx.all_neighbors is buggy.
- arcPairNetwork(N)
- Return N with additional arcs (w,v) for all (v,w) in N, u(w,v)=0
- arcsOnPath(path)
- Return list of all arcs on path.
- arcsOnPath_iter(path)
- Return a generator for all arcs on path.
- areArcBoundsFeasible(N)
- Return true if lower bound <= upper bound on all arcs.
- checkPreconditions(N)
- Return true if the network is balanced and arc bounds are consistent.
- computeBigM(N)
- Return $\max bs(u_a) + \max bs(\ell_a) +
\sum_{v\in V | -\inf < b_v < \inf} b_v$.
- delta(N, S)
- Return $\delta(S)$ as a list.
- deltaMinus(N, S)
- Return $\delta^-(S)$ as a list.
- deltaMinusIfLowerBound(N, S)
- Return $\delta^-(S)\setminus \{a: l_a=0\}$ as a list.
- deltaPlus(N, S)
- Return $\delta^+(S)$ as a list.
- deltaPlusIfLowerBound(N, S)
- Return $\delta^+(S)\setminus \{a: l_a=0\}$ as a list.
- ensureArcDirectionToLargerBound(N)
- Reverse arcs for which abs(l) > abs(u).
- ensureNetworkForm(N)
- Return network without reversed arcs, without lower bounds, and u>=0.
- feasibilityCheck(N)
- Return true if the network problem is feasible by computing the max-flow
value in the single-source-sink-network.
- isNetworkBalanced(N)
- Return true if b(V) = 0.
- listDegreeOneNodes(N)
- Return list of all v with deg(v) = 1.
- listOfDemandNodes(N)
- Return a list of the sinks in N.
- listOfDemandNodes_iter(N)
- Return a generator for the sinks in N.
- listOfInNodes(N)
- Return a list of the intermediate nodes in N.
- listOfSupplyNodes(N)
- Return a list of the sources in N.
- listOfSupplyNodes_iter(N)
- Return a generator for the sources in N.
- maxAbsWithoutInf(L)
- Return the maximum absolute value in L without 'inf'.
Raise ValueError if there is no value.
- networkArcFromEdge(N, e)
- Return the arc in N corresponding to the "undirected" e.
- removeAntiParallelArcs(N)
- Check for pairs of oppositely directed arcs and remove one of them.
- removeBoundsEdgesForMaxFlow(N, edges)
- For arcs in "N" corresponding to "edges", remove upper bound, ie, set to
infty, and add reversed arc without bound, ie, set lower bound to -infty.
- removeInfiniteUpperBoundsForMaxFlow(N)
- Remove all upper bounds with value "inf", including the key.
- removeLowerBoundOnArc(N, a, bigM=9223372036854775807)
- Remove non-null lower bound on arc a.
If l = -inf, use bigM for supply and mark node in network correspondingly.
- removeLowerBounds(N)
- Remove all nonzero lower bounds, direct arcs to larger bound
if necessary (l_a=-inf, u_a < inf).
- reverseArcWithBounds(N, a)
- Reverse arc a.
- setUpInfiniteBoundSingleSourceSinkNetwork(N)
- Return auxiliary network with a single source s and sink t, use keyword
capacity for bounds from s and to t.
- setUpSingleSourceSinkNetwork(N, checkLowerBounds=True)
- Return auxiliary network with a single source s and sink t,
remove lower bounds if necessary.
- sumAbsWithoutInf(L)
- Return the sum of absolute values in L without 'inf'.
Raise ValueError if there is no value.
- sumBInS(N, S)
- Return b(S).
- sumBPlus(N)
- Return overall supply in N.
- sumLInA(N, A)
- Return l(A).
- sumUInA(N, A)
- Return u(A).